Mod: Banging Noises
DETAILS: Banging Noise Fix
I’ve eliminated three annoying noises in the RV as shown in these three videos and described below.
Shower: The shower hose banged against the shower wall when driving, especially whenever going over speed bumps or entering/exiting driveways that initiated the RV body roll. I simply added two non-permanent clear command hooks to hold the shower hose against the wall (see video). The banging noise is gone!
Kitchen: The wand to the mini blinds banged against the window when driving, especially whenever going over speed bumps or entering/exiting driveways that initiated the RV body roll. I simply added a very small piece of black velcro on both the end of the wand and the black window frame (see video). The banging noise is gone!
Bedroom: The bottom of the roller shade banged against the wall when rolling over in bed, waking me up. I simply added three small white velcro squares on both the back of the roller shade bar as well as on the wall (see video). The banging noise is gone!